Explore Design Constraints Prototype
In class, we will explore the technology and collaboratively create a list of various design constraints. Choose one, from this list or not.
This is a one-week, individual assignment.
Each student will choose a design constraint, and then create a single demonstrative/explorative sketch that fulfills the following goals:
- Gives the creator of the sketch insight into the chosen design space.
- Effectively communicates the space to others.
- Provides insight for making a design decision about this space.
For example, if we were looking at fine repetitive textures, perhaps there is a room full of objects of varying textures and texture resolutions that look better/worse, laid out along a spectrum. There is clear A/B comparison. Further, one would be able to understand how they might choose certain texture densities going forward.
See the rubric with the assignment on brightspace for further clarification of project expectations.
Remember, this is about design decisions. When working with technology where “better technology” would help, that’s not the answer. The technology is as provided, we are determining what we can do with that.
Some Possible Constraints
Mobile AR:
- How much of the world to cover with overlays
- How quickly can we ask/get the user to move
- How far away can we display content
- What size can we make something look (What is too large, what is too small)
- How far “into” or “behind” real things can we display virtual things (e.g. holes, wells, etc)
- Pick an input method, identify it’s strength and/or weakness. That’s a design constraint/space to test
Novel Human-Computer Interactions
- Decide on a sensor and on an interaction with that sensor.
- Microphone for Breath (Warioware Touched)
- Accelerometer on a hat How Big Can it Get?
- Capactive Sensors on a fruit slapping (Also: Disco Is Dead)
Also See:
Not as great examples of design spaces, but…
Also see:
- Sky Ladder Repair - Potentiometers, User Feedback
- TerrorTV - Faces as input
- Weirdow ‘98 - Hiding Input From User
- Chairdevil - Wheelchairs as Input
- Get Off My Lawn! - ‘Gun’ drection to 2D Screen mapping/accuracy
- 996 Tech - Plungers
- MAD - Various
- Bruce and Box - Cardboard Box as Input
- The Sword - Variety of Inputs for Puzzle
- Extrareality Codebreaker - Single Dial for Input
- Lemonade
- Rakete - Foot Stomping Controls
- Roflpillar - Wiggling
An up-to-date rubric is viewable with the assignment on brightspace.
Your Readme file must note what your design space is.