6 Sketches

Create 6 Unique sketches.

A Sketch

A sketch is an exploration of an idea. Your sketches can be focused on playing with a visual idea, interaction, environment, or anything in between. Your sketches may be playing with similar ideas, but each one must be unique, and not simple or obvious variations of each other.

The sketches are be for possible prototypes, interactions, or designs for the selected hardware of the class.

Despite suggestions from the reading, the sketches for this assignment are not thumbnail sketches, and should be taken further for the sake of exploring ideas and tools, and getting back into the workflows.

The other three sketches may take any form you like.


The sketches must be related to something that could be created with the hardware topic for the semester, or at least is conceptually related as to be working in that direction.


Take a screenshot, video capture, photograph, or scan of each sketch as appropriate and upload it to the assignment in brightspace.


Each Sketch will be evaluated on creativity and execution. Repetitive sketches and missed executions will be marked.

That being said, the evaluation of each sketch will be generous. I want to encourage taking that extra step in both creativity (and not repeating oneself) and execution (going that little bit further) as we refamiliarize ourselves with the tools.


An up-to-date rubric is available with the assignment on Brightspace.