
There are 5 skillshare assignments throughout the semester.

Part 1

Students will find some interesting tool, code snippet, plugin, asset, workflow, package, component from the Unity manual, or way of working with or in process with Unity. Then they will explore what they have selected and put together a ½ to 1 page collection of links, images, notes, and resources about what they found.

Students will make an informal presentation of what they found to the rest of the classroom on the Tuesday after the due date.

Part 2

Students will find something interesting that is going on in the Immersive Media world. Find an article, a project, a product, an organization, an event, a group of activists, a news story, a policy proposal, a film, an art project, a game – anything that relates to this field and that is interesting to you. Then they will put together a ½ to 1 page collection of links, images, notes, and resources about what it is they found.

Students will incorporate their findings in Part 2 into their presentation of Part 1.


These collections of tools and things will be curated in a shared ‘binder’ that will act as a collective resource of immersive media-related knowledge that we will build, curate, and carry forward with us.


Each skillshare will have an appropriate discussion board on Brightspace, where it can be filled in directly. Please take advantage of the ability to embed images/video.